• Improve Comfort
  • Nagging aches or pains can suck the enjoyment right out of cycling and make a long ride very uncomfortable. Life’s far too short for that, especially since most cycling discomfort is easily eliminated with a proper bike fit.
  • Eliminate Injuries
  • If you’re riding a badly fitted bike it’s likely that you’re going to end up with injuries in the long run. A proper bike fit will identify the causes of pain or discomfort on the bike and eliminate the risk of future injuries.
  • Increase Power
  • To ride to your maximum potential you need to be able to maintain the highest average power output you are capable of. A good bike fit will ensure you’re riding in the most efficient position to achieve this.
  • Go Faster
  • A good bike fit will improve your comfort, power production and aerodynamics, meaning that you can ride faster, without doing any extra training!
We use a classic positional bike fitting techniques combined with LEOMO motion analysis technology, to determine your optimal saddle height, fore-aft saddle position, reach, handlebar drop and shoe/pedal interface in order to help you achieve maximum sustainable power output, allow you to be comfortable, help you manage pain and injury, and give you good aerodynamics and balance on the bike.
We use LEOMO’s TYPE-S and LVS (Live Video Sync) high speed motion video capture to capture real-time fit, and body measurements. The system uses 5 gyroscopic sensors attached to critical movement vectors in the lower body, and communicates via both Bluetooth and WiFi to bring both the biomechanics data and the physiological data like heart rate and power onto one platform.
LEOMO biomechanical analyses: Deadspot score, Pelvic and Thoracic drop, rotation, and tilt in degrees, Ankling and leg movement in degrees. In the past, this kind of motion analysis has only been available in a lab. Because of the complete portability of this system, we’re able to do real world testing with our riders even outside to see how the bike fit is really reflected while climbing, sprinting, and time trialing to help put you in a more efficient position on your bike and to give a competitive edge.
We also provide service for biomechanical analysis to coaches and physiotherapists.
We are LEOMO Motion Analysis Certified
Motion-tracking technology allows riders to understand their body position, movement patterns and overall performance in real-time, providing digital insights to make subtle but significant changes that can improve efficiency, power and consistency.